
How to Make a Bridesmaid Rose Bouquet

The female members of the wedding party often carry bridesmaid bouquets. Bridesmaids carry these bouquets when they walk down the aisle in front of the bride. The bridesmaid's bouquet can be a smaller replica of the bridal bouquet or altogether different. The flowers in a bridesmaid's bouquet can be chosen to match the dresses worn by the bridesmaids. The rose comes in a variety of colors. This gives the bridal party a better chance at finding a complementary or coordinating color for the dress.


1. Strip the roses. Use your hands or the stem stripper to pull off all the leaves and thorns on the rose stems.
2. Arrange the flowers. Take the four white roses and make two rows of two flowers in each row. The roses will form a box shape. Hold onto the white roses and begin to place two of the the colored roses between each of the stems of white roses. The colored roses will encircle the white roses.

3. Tape the roses together. While holding the stems perfectly still, place the beginning of the florist tape 3 or 4 inches from the top. Pull the tape around the stems. Slightly overlap the end point of the tape with the beginning of the tape. Use scissors to cut the excess tape. Do this again 4 inches from the bottom.
4. Cut the stems. Use the scissors to cut the stems evenly across the bottom. This should be below the second piece of florist tape. The stems can be left as long as the bride or bridesmaid desires.

5. Tie the bow. Cut a piece of silk ribbon about 18 inches long. Tie the ribbon around the middle of the flower bouquet. Decide how long you want the ribbon's ends to hang. Cut the ends of the bow on a diagonal angle.


